It's my 42nd birthday this weekend so lets CELEBRATE!
Join me for a FREE Community Masterclass
Sunday July 28th, 11am PST.
We're "DOING IT FOR THE PLOT" this weekend.
A life by your design. Big bold moves for love. Creating a story that when you look back on is fun, exhilerating, dynamic and full of hilariousness and wisdom- that's the goal.
Why on earth would we do this work if not to free yourself to create the life and a story worth telling?
This weekend we're getting into it.
It's my birthday.
I'm the QUEEN of fucking around and finding out.
I'm a 3/5 Mani Gen and I LIVE for the plot twist.
I love trial and error.
I am willing to dive head first into the things my heart and soul wants and let the chips fall where they may.
And quite frankly I would LOVE to see you living the life that is wildly authentic to you and making big bold moves for the love and relationships you long for.
So in addition to this banging masterclass I'm kicking off an unhinged summer sale right after for ya'll to get in on some of my best selling courses and bring your magic to life.
How fun!! Let's play!
Drop your details below to be added to the summer sale AND get your invite to Sunday's masterclass! xx
*If you're unable to join for the live call a 24hr replay will be sent out to everyone who is registered*