Ready to transform your life in 45 minutes?


We bet you are—and so are we!

Welcome to the electrifying Club Unhinged Mini Trainings! ❤️‍🔥🫰🚀


Join Us Here


What Are They? 

Our mini trainings are the perfect blend of simplicity, spice, fun, and HIGH VALUE. In just 40-45 minutes, Kels & Christine zoom in on one specific topic, delivering powerful insights that spark continuous breakthroughs.

What to Expect:

• A deep dive into the topic
• Why it’s a game-changer for you
• How it can transform your life
• How mastering it will have you feeling unstoppable and living your best f*cking life in no time.

Why We Created These:


We know that traditional trainings, masterclasses, and workshops can sometimes overload your nervous system, leaving you inspired but too overwhelmed to act.

We’ve been there too.

That’s why we crafted these bite-sized, power-packed sessions that deliver a punch without taking up hours of your time.

Why You’ll Love Them:

These mini trainings are designed to help you explore topics that resonate with you, making small but mighty shifts in your life that lead to the juicy transformation you crave.

Upcoming Topic:
Overgiving + Overfunctioning 101


Babe. Have these questions ever rattled around that beautiful brain of yours.. 👇🏼


  • Why TF do I keep getting burnt out and why am I so depleted all the time?
  • Why do I feel like I give, give, give, and I am getting scraps back from people?
  • Why can’t I say no and my people pleasing is getting me into all sorts of commitments I don’t even want to do! Argh!
  • Why do I feel like my relationships are SO one-sided? I am always having to do so much work to keep them alive?
  • Why do I feel like such a resentful b*tch all the time? Then feel guilty for spazzing. #superspazz=illegal
  • Why do I feel like no one understands me and my needs aren’t ever met?
  • Why am I the only one who cleans the kitchen, plans the parties, packs for vacations, organizes playdates, CAN I GET SOME DAMN HELP OVA HERE!!



Well honey, your likely suffering from Overgiving “itis”. The newest pandemic that is plaguing women across nations. 


Here’s the thing. We are #kiddingnotkidding.

For centuries women have been programmed to put everyone else’s needs before their own. To give, be a “good girl, not ask for too much, to pick up the slack, bake, tidy, work, parent, take care of aging parents, heal old wounds, manifest, be a functioning human, wife or gf, full-time content creator (thnx IG + FB), have a side hustle and do it all while being #highvibe and #grateful

Da fuck?? NOOOOOOO It’s too much. We have to lay down the self-achievement sword, ask for help and start to embody our boundaries to be able to actually live a life we love vs being in a foggy cocktail of adrenaline, cortisol and other stress hormones.

In this training we will… 


  • Share with you why you are doing this and how to f*cking STOP.
  • Easily explain why your nervous system is trained to this and how to handle the discomfort of asking for help or what you need to thrive.
  • Show you how to fall back in love with life and yourself through simple self-trust practices.
  • Help you understand that other people are not actually the problem so you can stop the blame game and feel empowered to make micro shifts to change unconscious behaviours.

In this zinger of a training we'll be giving you an overview into our unique methodology for healing these unhelpful and deeply unconscious patterns.

Our unique style will have you busting through your blocks in no time, alchemizing old unhelpful stories that keep you stuck and get you back in action, enjoying more mutually beneficial and loving relationships, regaining your time and energy and dropping the resentment, so you can be the badass you were put on this planet to be and create a life that lights YOU up. 

You get to have everything you've always wanted... AND MORE. 

We're showing you how.

Date: October 10th
Time: 10am PST



Get The Training

$11 usd

What's Included:

  • 45 minute quick and dirty training with Christine Banno and Kelsey Grant
  • 24hr Replay Access if you can't join us live.
  • Exclusive access and early access before we open the doors to the club.